Every moment that unfolds in our lives is a direct creation based on how we think and feel – consciously or unconsciously. Our focus within our events is to bring greater awareness and allowance of the power we have to create deliberately. By bringing your intent to that you wish to create – everything is possible.
Our events, workshops and online programs span a variety of topics and intentions.
Foundational topics have been selected based on reoccurring themes showing up within our sessions with clients.
They all follow a simple model of information download, practical understanding and immersive experience.
Knowledge without experience is philosophy.
Experience without knowledge is ignorance.
Knowledge and experience together is wisdom.
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"Alignment is the natural occurrence
when resistance is released."
- Beyond Grayse
Join us for our small gatherings of Heart and Balance. Together we flow with the feel of the group, where no two gatherings are ever the same! The power of a collective intention to bring greater harmony and balance to our experience of life ripples out further than we could possibly perceive. We are the ones that create the shifts as we allow harmonious energy flow through our thoughts, feelings and actions. We are all connected; and by connecting with your inner self more deeply through your conscious intention, we all experience a greater degree of Heart Opening, Loving Compassion and Inner Balance.
We use the amazing Sacred Earth Medicine ceremonial cacao for our gatherings which is of the highest grade, highest vibration, most energy intense cacao on the planet. It is 100% pure, organic whole bean, heirloom criollo nativo cacao (cacao chuncho) that is ethically, sustainably and bio-dynamically sourced from a family run farm located in a powerful valley micro climate nestled between the Andes and the Amazon basin in Peru.
The Carillon Sound Bowl is a large quartz crystal crucible based on the exact measurements of an original artefact that was found in Egypt, believed to have been used in sacred chambers by priests in order to tune into other states of consciousness, as well as for healing purposes. Made from 100% pure Grade-A Quartz Crystal, tuned to the "Key of David" (F-sharp/G-Flat) and used to create balance in the mind and body. This is not your normal flat bottomed crystal singing bowl (which are made to grow quartz crystal for silicon chip manufacuting), this is an amazing tool of healing, transformation and expansion.
Included in this Gathering:
Guided meditation
Carillon bowl sound balancing
Channeled activations
Sacred cacao ceremony
Connection to self and others
Discover and experience the foundational elements for harnessing your potential and creating greater possibilities for your life. Join us for thirty days of self-expansion, exploring and experiencing the nine foundations of harnessing your inner potential.
Wherever you place your awareness you create more of. ie. If you focus on pain you create more pain. If you focus on gratitude you create more to be grateful for. This program is designed to support you in conscious creation over thirty days – to help direct your awareness for inner exploration and transformation. Everything you experience is either enhancing or depleting your energy system. You harness your inner potential by strengthening the things that support your energic system and transforming or removing the things that weaken it.
Included in this Program:
Exploration of the nine foundations of harnessing your inner potential.
A structure of information download, practical understanding and immersive experience.
Daily emails with content and practical tasks.
Weekly group calls
Weekly meditations
Private Facebook Group

"Trust in that which you are inspired by ...
for that is your pathway to ALL you wish to create."
- Beyond Grayse

"Live beyond that which is known...
the leap you perceive is, in actuality,
simply the next step."
- Beyond Grayse
Create greater flow of energy and abundance through transforming your beliefs and values around health and wealth. Join us for two days expanding and transforming your abundance and vitality. Expansion here will ripple out into all areas of your life.
The vitality component of this workshop begins with understanding what your body is trying to tell you. In the process of learning to listen to your physical body you will develop a greater understanding of how your body is intuitively talking to you. When you don’t listen to your intuition and inspirations your physical body gives you symptoms such as discomfort or disease. When you tune in and discover what it is trying to tell you, it acts as an access point to your perceptions and beliefs – which may no longer be serving you. Within this workshop you will learn how to listen to your body, identify and shift beliefs, which you can then integrate into your daily life.
Examine your current beliefs about money and experience how money triggers you on a physical and emotional level, how beliefs might be limiting the income you’re currently creating and have an experience of how shifting things up energetically can completely transform your income earning capacity.
You will Experience:
A structure of information download, practical understanding and immersive experience.
How your body is intuitively talking to you.
How your hierarchy of values effects your health and wealth.
Expansion of your current income earning potential.

"Many seek the wisdom of others...
when the wisdom that is true for them, lies within"
- Beyond Grayse